UNIVERSITY DISTRICT PHOTO ALBUM- Images of our neighborhood from the past 150 years: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |

February 20, 2019- Mirror Lake Hollow and Main Library beyond before dawn on a snowy February morning. Viewed from rear of old President's House. |

February 20, 2019- Snowy very early morning looking up High St from E 12th. |

March 2, 2019- "All are still welcome here." Maynard Ave United Methodist Church, 2350 Indianola Ave (established 1909), rejecting the anti-LGBT decisions of the February 2019 United Methodist General Conference in St. Louis MO. |

Michigan Ave Market, SW corner of Michigan and 3rd in Harrison West to the south of the University District.. Circa 1990. Building is fancy coffee shop for hipsters now. I hear it's about to become a fancy craft brewery for hipsters next.
From 1950-95, this neighborhood was a rough-and-tumble, multigenerational, working-class, Appalachian enclave. Then came gentrification. A whole population was priced out of their homes. A community was scattered. Its stories forgotten. People there now neither know nor care who lived there before.
I worry about the same fate befalling our University District neighborhoods. |

March 20, 2019- Raw Pony plays at DSA’s Brake Light Clinic Fundraiser at Ace of Cups, 2619 N High, Saturday night. By denying opportunities for predatory police stops, repairing brake and taillights saves people from tickets, fines, harassment, arrests, violence, and even death. |

The ruins of Adriatico's, 265 W 11th.
Core of the building was the garage of the no-longer-extant house to the west. Became a drycleaners in the late 1940s. Was expanded and the facade added. Became Pizza City in 1960 and served pizza until Adriatico's took over the spot in 1986 or so. Housed Adriatico's until last year.
Glad the restaurant moved to W 10th and Neil but I'll miss the building. So many wonderful memories there... |

Before the early 1920s, High St was mostly lined with homes. In the 1920s, commercial buildings replaced or absorbed them. This charming small house at 1351 N High is one. Will probably be demolished soon for yet another vaguely PostModern, 5-story, retail-on-the-bottom monstrosity. DEMOLISHED LATE 2021. |

April 21, 2019- A profusion of blossoms on unlikely apple tree in the middle of a parking lot on Pearl Alley. |

Senior Crawl 2019. A record 12,213 students graduated in Ohio Stadium on May 5. Senior Crawl was notable for marking the return of campus bar Ugly Tuna Saloona which closed at The Gateway after Senior Crawl 2018. |

May 19, 2019- American flag beer-pong table made of red, white, and blue beer bottle caps and resin. |